EDQ SCIP Circular Economy
Minister for Economic Development Queensland

Project details
Project Name
EDQ SCIP Circular Economy
Minister for Economic Development Queensland
Gripfast were engaged to support the Director of Innovation and Economic Strategies to explore and develop key messaging to present a Sunshine Coast Industrial Park Circular Economies Study.
- Preliminary Investigations
- Framework for future works
- Research into viability of targets
- Key messaging aids and insights for reporting on the SCIP Circular Economies Study
- Identification of business in SCIP stage 1 to audit for circular economy purposes.
- Development of engagement strategy for audit.
- Conduct audit of stage 1 business to identify key inputs and outputs.
- Analysis of inputs and outputs to identify preferred ecology of SCIP Stage 2 (based on Stage 1).
- Development of implementation strategy to promote preferred ecology for SCIP Stage 2

Project Number B1909